Burns kits, dressings and blankets All sizes of Cederroth and other brand dressings, kits, wraps and blankets for instant cooling Fast and effective cooling of Burns Various kits for Galley, Engine room, Pantry, laundry and deck Please get in touch to find out more Contact Us Burns kits, dressings and blankets All sizes of Cederroth and other brand dressings, kits, wraps and blankets for instant cooling Medical kits for the engine room A selection of wall mounted medical kits for engine rooms with an emphasis on first aid for eyes, chemical burns and wounds, Cederroth eye wash kits: Buffered eye wash with a neutralising effect on acids and alkalis Phosphate-free Effective flow 4.5 year shelf life Category "B" Medical Kit MCA Approved All items required by the MCA including the additional recommended upgrades Galley Kits Medical kits for the galley with an emphasis on cuts and burns. Jelly Fish and Marine Stings Assorted bite and sting preventions and treatments all in one kit Child and Infant medical supplies Contact us for specific age requirements Life raft and Tender kits Various sizes and styles available in water tight or sealed cases MCA Category "A" Medical Kit All items required by the MCA for vessels traveling unlimited miles from shore Category "C Plus" Medical Kits MCA Approved Our Category C Plus MSN 1905 Medical kits are available in two sizes. They are both compliant to MSN 1905 Category C including the additional up-grade items The Compack MSN 1905 is slightly smaller measuring H45 x L43 x W19cm with color coded pouches The Deluxe Category C has a few extra items such as digital blood pressure and oximeter, sea bands etc and is H53 x L50 x W25cm